Get complete control of your FedEx and UPS shipping without leaving QAD!

32 Soft’s QAD Integration with FedEx/UPS solution gives you an error-free way to execute and store FedEx and UPS shipping transactions directly in QAD. You can perform all shipping transactions in your QAD system through custom shipping screens, which have a real-time connection to the FedEx and UPS shipping sites.

Get accurate costs and shipping methods, schedule a shipment, and check shipment status, all from the custom screens. Once the shipment is completed, the final costs and tracking information are transmitted and saved into QAD, eliminating the chances of error in manually updating this information. What a time saver!

This web service back-to-back interface fully integrates the FedEx and UPS shipping systems with your QAD system, giving you complete control.

  • Reduce shipping processing time
  • Get better control and visibility of the shipping charges
  • Analyze your shipping costs efficiently and easily
  • And, more!

To find out more about this solution or schedule a demonstration, contact us.