Easy Sales Forecasting for Optimal Efficiency



Do you build your operational budget based on the sales forecast? Do you maintain your sales forecast in QAD for long term planning of materials and manufacturing resources? Do you have a quick and efficient way to compare actual sales with forecast and make timely adjustments?

In this webinar we share our knowledge and experience in entering sales forecasts into QAD and demonstrate the tools we have developed to improve forecast data entry, reporting, and analysis. You’ll discover how you can…

      •   Enter and update forecasted sales in QAD quickly, accurately, securely, and with very little effort
      •   Calculate projected material and manufacturing requirements based on sales forecasts with accuracy and confidence
      •   Use QAD forecasts for your operational budget and individual customer forecasts
      •   Give responsibility and control of forecast entry and maintenance to your sales force

        Forecasting—What Does the Future Hold?

Questions from the webinar

How would I decide whether to use the Summary Forecast Loader vs. the Simulated Forecast Loader?
This appears to be a good tool to use with Production Smoothing. Can it be used to bring in historical forecasts that could be used to reset a Production Smoothing monthly schedule, for example?
What dates are used in the Loaders—dates when an item is ordered or when it is projected to ship (order date vs. ship date)?
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