32 Soft Associates

From time to time we work with or meet individuals and companies who offer products or services that our clients may need.  Here are two to share with you.

White Star Software

White Star Software is the oldest and most respected independent OpenEdge DBA consulting firm in the world. Our expert DBAs have 20+ years of real-world experience helping customers of all sizes monitor, manage, modernize and get the most out of their OpenEdge environments.

Website: http://www.wss.com/en/
Contact:  Nectar Daloglou
+1 514 777 1445
Twitter: @oeDBA (https://twitter.com/oeDBA)



Information Systems (IT) and Enabling Technologies are the “glue” that enable companies to realize their visions and strategies for growth and development.

CMC is a trusted advisor with over 3 decades of experience in optimizing strategies around investment in Technology and Business Systems. We help companies from $5M – $500+M to assess and implement the most effective information systems, enabling technologies and strategies to exponentially improve the productivity and effectiveness of their business.

CMC provides expert and insightful guidance in:

  • Strategic IT and Systems Planning
  • Sounding Board for Senior Management around IT (Concerns or Questions)
  • Independent Evaluation of New Software or Technologies
  • Project Management Implementation and Mentoring

Website is www.cmcaust.com
Contact: Michelle Harvey, Director
M +61 413 996 640
P +61 2 9977 8338
W cmcaust.com Skype – mharveycmc