Replenishment Pick List & SO Entry Date Capacity Warning
At 32 Soft, we’re developing and testing two new apps that just might be the very thing you need.
Warehouse Pick Replenishment Call List identifies the pick location minimum requirements and presents a callout for replenishment of any location/item that falls below that minimum amount. Once you assign a home/pick location to each active item in your inventory and establish a minimum quantity for each, the program will sweep all home/pick locations and identify items that drop below the minimum amount. The sweep can be set up to occur periodically and can also be initiated manually. Once identified, the program triggers a search of overstock locations for additional inventories. If overstock for that item is found, a notification suggesting replenishment for that item is displayed.
SO Entry Date Capacity Warning will perform an automatic capacity calculation for the due date(s) requested on a sales order at the time of entry. If there is no capacity for that due date, a pop-up warning will be presented to the user. The warning will include an alternate calculated due date. The user has the option of accepting the alternate due date, or they can override using the original due date. Capacity date calculation is also applied to any quotes released to order through sales order entry application.
To learn more about these new applications, please contact us.