Making Cost Sets Make $en$e

If you are a manager, supervisor, supply chain or planning professional in the manufacturing sector, you likely spend a lot of time understanding your ERP systems in terms of numbers, items, run time, capacity, and schedules. But, if you also need to communicate with other managers and supervisors, specifically financial and senior management, everything we do must be translated into the “language of money: cost sets.” Cost sets—such as raw materials, direct labor, indirect expenses, and overhead—play a crucial role in stakeholders’ understanding of the company’s overall financial performance. In this webinar, Don Lindsey covers:

  • Cost Data Elements
  • Setting up and Updating Costs
  • Costing Methods and Cost Types
  • Cost Simulations
  • Cost Transactions and Reporting
  • and, more

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Questions from the webinar

What QAD Menu do you use to allocate overhead costs to products or services?
Have you seen any interesting applications of cost elements in QAD?