Our Upcoming Webinar Lineup

Don’t Miss These  Upcoming Webinars

Revolutionize AR Processing in QAD EE
Are you ready to simplify customer payment processing and boost your productivity? Imagine handling payments in QAD with just three mouse clicks. 32 Soft’s AR Cash Application Data Loader for QAD EE makes this possible, and we’re excited to show you how in our upcoming webinar.



Cost Rollup Precision: Improve Accuracy & Efficiency
Do you struggle with inaccurate cost rollups? With accuracy in standard cost? With tracking cost changes and reflecting them in the cost of final products? With multiple new part numbers that need cost assignment? If so, attend this webinar where we’ll demonstrate a new Data Loader that empowers you to be accurate, efficient, and proactive with cost assessment.


8 Factory Physics Principles that Optimize Production
Factory Physics uses a scientific and systematic approach to address complex manufacturing problems. It provides a holistic view, building on the foundations laid by experts in various knowledge domains. In this webinar, Don Lindsey will explore the 8 principles of Factory Physics that, when applied, can help you drive innovation, enhance profitability, and achieve sustainability goals.