Can 32 Soft EMT Workbench work with schedules or only discrete orders?
QAD EMT functionality is designed for discrete sales/purchase orders. 32 Soft EMT Workbench is an interface to this functionality and has the same limitations. But we have an alternative solution, Customer Schedule Data Loader, which may be of interest to you.
Do you have EMT Workbench in other languages beside English?
Excel interface of 32 Soft EMT Workbench allows to change labels/column headers to any language supported by Microsoft Excel. There is no lock on these cells in the template and they can be modified. QAD data (for example, item description, freight terms, etc.) come into Excel in the same language they are stored in QAD. Standard QAD error messages that are returned on validation are in the language used as a default in QAD. There are also some custom error messages, produced by 32 Soft EMT Workbench. Those can be translated or added to QAD messages list in the desired language.
Does EMT Workbench require the source (primary) and supplier (secondary) databases to be on the same QAD version?
No. There is a separate EMT Workbench code for source and supplier databases. These databases can be on different QAD versions and/or different servers. Alos, source and supplier business units can be in one database but on different domains.
We do use EDI to transmit EMT orders between source (primary) and supplier (secondary) databases. What could be the value of using EMT Workbench for us?
In addition to providing you with a central dashboard for all your EMT orders, EMT Workbench allows you to import ASNs from supplier database, automatically process PO receipts (PO shippers confirmation) and create/modify EMT sales orders directly from Excel.
How much setup is involved in EMT Workbench installation?
EMT Workbench installation does not require any special setup. When originating site code in the source (primary) database and customer code in the supplier (secondary) database does not match, you will need to define cross reference between the two through QAD Generalized codes. However, to activate EMT functionality in QAD, you will be required to setup the EMT portion of Sales Order control file and, optionally, set-up site specific default EMT values.
We do not use EMT Sales Orders, but we have a lot of intercompany replenishment orders. Can EMT Workbench be of any value to us?
Absolutely. 32 Soft EMT workbench will allow you to transmit your intercompany POs to the supplying business unit, track in transit quantities (through ASN import) and automatically process PO receipts. It will also provide you with real time detailed information about your intercompany POs.
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