Once all the Journal Entries and sub-ledger transactions are posted to General Ledger in QAD, you need to make sure all the activities make sense. This task is quite challenging since you need to analyze big volumes of transactional data. Imagine being able to perform instant real-time reconciliations in QAD. Wouldn’t it be great to review general ledger activities in convenient Excel spreadsheets? What if you could quickly consolidate GL activities across entities? How much easier would your fiscal period end be if you could generate balance sheet reports and income statements in Excel with a click of a button? GL Analyzer does all of this and is a valuable period-end tool when massive postings are made and it is especially important that all general ledger activities are available as soon as possible.
• Get real time access to existing QAD trial balance data – downloaded into Excel spreadsheets for your review and edits • Drill down into trial balance details • Review General Ledger activities and underlying documents • Perform real-time reconciliations • Facilitate financial statement consolidations • Increase your productivity, reduce errors, and contribute significantly to your bottom line |
Get the tool you need for quick and accurate reconciliations.
Order GL Analyzer Data Loader for QAD EE today and enjoy immediate results.
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