Is it possible? It sure is! 32 Soft clients who have already acquired Data Loaders are enjoying these productivity tools and managing their QAD data quickly, easily and safely every single day. They are eliminating CIM load hassles and they have no need for expensive EDI or Qxtend software. How? By quickly and safely downloading […]
Tags: mfg pro cim, mfg pro cimload, mfg/pro cim, qad cim, qad cimload, QAD EDI, QAD EDI alternative, qad massive, qad massive update, qad qxtend, qad upload, qxtend
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Because of the recent business trends, the volume of ERP data will keep growing faster regardless which sector you are in, which means IT will get even busier doing more CIMs. How you can improve what you are doing? Is there a better way? Can business users perform data uploads by themselves without IT involved?
Tags: cim load, cim tool, cim tool qad, cimload, Data Loader, excel cim, excel cim tool, mfg pro cim, qad cim, qad cim load, qad data import, QAD Data Loaders, QAD EDI, QAD EDI alternative, qad import, qxtend
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