One of the major trends in manufacturing today is the changing role of IT professionals. Once focused merely on supporting and maintaining systems, IT leaders are now involved in high-level business strategies. But this is just the beginning. A report published by Deloitte Technology Consulting, Tech Trends 2017, forecasts even more of a shift in […]
Tags: "qad", excel cim, mfg pro order, qad customer schedule, qad excel, qad functionality, QAD order, qad order processing
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You can manage customer schedules from convenient Excel spreadsheet tool. If customer emails you their demand, then simply copy-paste and upload to QAD. Great alternative to EDI or traditional EMT process in environments, where one sister entity fulfills orders for another one.
Tags: qad 7.5.1, qad 7.5.2, qad 7.5.3, qad customer schedule, qad demand
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Excel Sales Order Entry form for QAD
Tags: cim 7.1.1, mfg/pro order, mfgpro order form, qad 7.1.1, qad 7.1.3, qad api, qad cim, qad crm, qad customer schedule, QAD EDI, qad functionality, QAD order, qad order processing, qad repetitive order, qad sales order, qad salesforce, qad, qad scheduled order
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